<심준학외 2명>
북한의 드론(무인기) 위협과 국가중요시설 대드론방어체계 구축 방안
<키워드> 북한위협, 드론 및 무인기, 민·관·군·경·소방, 국가중요시설, AI기반, 대드론방어체계
A Study on the Operational and Support Plan/Maintenance Plan (OMS/MP) Template for Korean Extra Large Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (XLUUV)
<키워드> Extra Large Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (XLUUV), Operational and Support Plan, Maintenance Plan, Autonomous Operation, Artificial Intelligence
A Study on the Current Status and Countermeasures of Malicious Civil Complaints
<키워드> Key words: malicious complaints, violence against public officials, emotional labor, citizen participation, public service quality
A Study on the Ukraine's Army Of Drones Project and the Implications for the Use of Drones
<키워드> Army of Drones Project, UNITED 24, Drone Warfare, Ukraine-Russian War, Drone Pilot
A Study on the ****************************************
<키워드> Army of Drones Project, UNITED 24, Drone Warfare, Ukraine-Russian War, Drone Pilot
A Study on the ****************************************
<키워드> Army of Drones Project, UNITED 24, Drone Warfare, Ukraine-Russian War, Drone Pilot
북한군 드론 위협의 진화와 그 위협인식의 전환에 대한 소고
<키워드> 북한, 군대, 위협, 과학기술, 드론, AI, VR
How Cognitive Warfare Developed in the India-Pakistan War and the Ukraine-Russia War
<키워드> Cognitive Warfare, 5th Generation Warfare, 6th Domain, Armenia-Azerbaijan War, Israel-Palestine Conflic
우크라이나 군의 해상 드론 전투 사례 연구
<키워드> A Case Study Maritime Drones Combats of the Ukrainian Forces
The Pattern of Cognitive Warfare in Modern Battles and Conflicts
<키워드> Cognitive Warfare, 5th Generation Warfare, 6th Domain, Armenia-Azerbaijan War, Israel-Palestine Conflict